Man Of Clay

Everytime...I work with Clay
a warm feeling of oneness with the earth
gently washes over my soul.
Because...I know that this wounderful skill
that I have is a gracious gift from God.
And...there is no more wounderful feeling
on this earth...
Than to be create...what you dream.

Milo Von Strom

Milo Making Pots

Milo Making Pots
I am just smoothing out the bottom of one of my pots.

Laura's Creations

Laura's Creations
They are every where.
E-mail me... if you have any questions.

Which piece of pottery do you like best ?

Computer Guy

Computer Guy
I spend quite a bit of time on my computer.

Raptor In Waiting

Raptor In Waiting
This is another one of my lithographs that I did in undergraduate school in Eau Claire, Wisconsin around 1976.

Spin And Create

She gave me her heart
and I placed it gently
on my potters wheel,
spinning and shaping it
as I desired.
I glazed her innocent eyes
with a lover's passion,
as I sealed our love
with a smoldering kiss.
She was a shiny new possession
unique in her design,
but then there was another...
waiting for me, to spin and shape;
so I set her aside...
like all the others...before
who learned to late,
that a potters...only true love
is to spin and create.

Milo Von Strom

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis
I just think these insects are rather intense say the least.

Green Celadon Bowl

Green Celadon Bowl
Looks good doesn't it ?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Know That

Keeping my head above like a daily ritual
without an end in sight.
I feel...that I resemble a spider clinging to life
on an invisable thread;
For...I am surviving through the strength of my design
and the pattern of my intricate web.
Confusion...sometimes is only an illusion to the race
I constantly run.
There seems to be so many different directions,
that...I could follow in this man made maze;
So...I keep surging straight ahead...trusting totally in
that authoritative voice...from within...without asking.

Milo Von Strom

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